How Many Protein Shakes A Day To Gain Muscle? Dietician Answers

How Many Protein Shakes A Day To Gain Muscle

Obviously, lifting weights and exercising regularly are required to build muscle, but is that all that is required? In a word – No. You see, lifting weights and working out, whether at a gym, at home or anywhere else, is very beneficial. If your diet and nutrition aren’t right, you simply will not make any real improvements at all.

Once you’re satisfied that your diet is on point, you may wish to consider using supplements, with protein powder almost certainly at the top of your list.

But with protein shakes, how many protein shakes a day should you be drinking?

Well, if you ask one person, they may tell you that one is beneficial, whereas another may say that three are beneficial, and another may even say that you don’t need them at all.

Here, we’ll attempt to clear things up once and for all as we examine protein shakes and the number of protein shakes a day one should drink to gain muscle. I am a certified dietician, so I know what I'm talking about.

Quick Answer: Depending on your age and activity level, it's completely OK to take up to three protein shakes a day, which results in up to 90gr of protein.

Protein And Muscle Growth

Our organs, skin, and muscles are all built of proteins

Before we consider protein shakes and supplements, we must first address the importance of protein for muscle growth and repair in general. Protein is an essential macronutrient, one of three, with the other two being carbohydrates and fat. This macronutrient, however, is considered to be the most important of the three, as it is essential for cellular health and maintenance.

We are actually made up of billions upon billions of tiny microscopic cells, so when you consider that we’re made up of cells ourselves, looking after these cells suddenly becomes a top priority. However, in addition to assisting with cellular health and function, protein is also vital for muscle growth and repair, which is why bodybuilders consume such large quantities of protein each day.

Protein is a molecule, made up of amino acids, that can be broken down into amino acids once it has been consumed. Basically, if you think of protein as the primary building block for the body in general, you get a better idea of why it is so important.

Our organs, skin, and muscles are all made of proteins, and a number of hormones and chemicals within the body are also forms of proteins. Protein plays a vital role in a process known as protein synthesis, where the body synthesizes new muscle proteins and tissues.

When we exercise and lift weights, muscle tissue is damaged and destroyed, and it, therefore, needs replacing in order for us to build new muscle. Without protein synthesis, this would simply not be possible. Imagine trying to build an extension onto your home without bricks, wood, or other materials.

Well, if you think of your muscles as the house and proteins as the materials, you will better understand why we need protein.

How Much Protein Do We Need Per Day?

How Many Protein Shakes A Day To Gain Muscle

In reality, there is no one true definitive answer to this question, due largely to the fact that all people are different. For example, some people may genetically be able to get away with less protein than others, so we can’t provide one definitive answer.

However, as a general guide and rule of thumb, most fitness experts agree that, in order to build and maintain muscle mass, we need to consume between 1 and 1.5g of protein for every pound of body weight.

So, if a person weighs in at 200 pounds, ideally, they should be getting between 95g and 100g of protein each day.

How Much Protein In A Scoop?

The amount of protein in a scoop varies depending on the type of protein powder you choose. Whey protein contains around 20 grams per serving, soy protein has about 15 grams per serving, and casein protein has around 10 grams per serving.

How Much Protein Per Serving Do You Need?

It would be very useful if we could consume all of our daily protein requirements in just one sitting, but unfortunately, life doesn’t work like that, and sadly, the body can only process so much protein at once.

In the past, you would see bodybuilders pounding down huge plates of chicken, drinking egg whites, fish, and steak, along with various veggies, and washing it all down with a protein shake, as they believed that the more protein they could consume, the bigger they would get.

However, the body can only process a certain amount of protein at a time, which is generally between 40 and 50g.

If that bodybuilder consumed over 100g of protein, around 50 – 60g of the protein he consumed would go to waste as the body wouldn’t be able to utilize it. Because of this, when trying to build muscle, you should aim for no more than 50g max, and even then, that may be too much.

Studies have found that, in fact, just 20g of protein post-workout would be sufficient to initiate protein synthesis and allow the body to begin rebuilding new muscle tissue.

There is some research suggesting that between 20 and 40g of protein post-workout can increase protein synthesis levels slightly, though the changes are far from dramatic.

How Many Protein Shakes A Day?

Protein shakes are fantastic for anybody looking to increase their lean muscle mass. They provide quick, easy, and effective ways of getting some good-quality protein into the system.

Whey protein is the most popular type of protein shake, as it is a rapidly absorbing source of protein. Whey protein is derived from cow’s milk and is a by-product created when the milk begins to turn into cheese.

The milk separates into liquid whey, which is then processed and filtered until it becomes the powder supplement that we all know and love.

Protein shakes are NOT designed to replace whole-food meals, so you should still ensure that most of your protein and nutrition comes from whole foods.

That said, it could be beneficial to consume 2 -3 protein shakes per day, making sure that one of those shakes is consumed immediately after working out.

The other whey protein shake should be consumed between meals, and before bedtime, you may wish to consider drinking a casein protein shake. Casein protein is also derived from milk, though casein protein is much, much slower to be digested and broken down. By drinking one before bed, the protein can stay in your system for hours, constantly feeding your muscles and keeping them in a constant anabolic state.

When Is The Best Time To Drink A Protein Shake?

It's best to consume your protein shake after a workout. This allows your body to absorb the protein faster and helps prevent muscle breakdown. If you are not going to work out that day, and when it comes to when to drink protein shakes on rest days, then consuming your protein shake before bedtime is ideal. Protein shakes can help increase energy levels throughout the day.

What Happens When You Have Too Much Protein?

Proteins are composed of amino acids that help build muscle and repair damaged cells. They’re also used to make hormones, enzymes, antibodies, and other compounds necessary for life. However, too much protein can cause problems.

Excessive consumption of protein can lead to kidney stones, high blood pressure, and even cancer. In fact, people who consume more than 1 gram of protein per kilogram of body weight each day have a higher risk of developing colon cancer.

Eating too many protein shakes may not be good for your health. A published study showed that consuming large amounts of protein from animal sources (like meat) can increase levels of uric acid in the blood. Uric acid is a waste product produced by the liver that helps remove toxins from the body. But if uric acid builds up in the blood, it can cause gout, a painful condition characterized by inflammation of the joints.

If you want to get enough protein without eating a lot of food, try using protein powder instead. Just remember to drink plenty of water while taking them.

Consuming too much protein can also affect your mood. According to this research, people who eat a diet rich in protein tend to experience lower levels of serotonin, a neurotransmitter associated with happiness.

Some experts recommend only consuming about 0.8 grams to 1gram of protein per pound of body weight each day. That means someone weighing 200 pounds should limit their daily intake to 80 grams of protein.


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