Reda Elmardi

Vivi Winkler bio
Reda Elmardi

Vivi Winkler Bio: Age, Height, Weight, Workout, & Diet!

Viviane Winkler Lourenço, the top Brazilian fitness model, is an exceptional personality. The Vivi Winkler biography is quite inspiring as she went from being an obese child who was bullied in high school to an online sensation with millions of followers. She started her journey from her hometown in 2006, and since then, she has worked tirelessly to achieve the

Benefits Of Walking In The Morning
Reda Elmardi

19 Benefits Of Walking In The Morning

They say that a healthy breakfast is a great way to start the day, but we disagree, at least in part. While starting your morning off with a healthy breakfast is beneficial, we recommend starting your day off with an early morning walk. I’m forced to do this because I have a dog, but that’s not the point, alright? Today,

Exercise Bike Benefits
Reda Elmardi

19 Exercise Bike Benefits That Impact Your Body And Mind

Getting in shape is easy on paper, but getting in shape in the real world, is where things become tricky. Sure, it’s easy to sit back and tell somebody to move more, cut out junk, and eat less, but in reality, if it really was as simple as that, we wouldn’t need to talk to you about the many exercise

The Benefits Of Running A Mile A Day In The Morning
Reda Elmardi

18 Benefits Of Running In The Morning

It doesn’t matter whether you want to get fit, burn fat, get out of the house, or simply improve your health, morning runs are the perfect way of doing exactly that. If you are looking to get your running workouts in nice and early, there are heaps of benefits to running a mile a day in the morning, which is

Benefits Of HIIT Training
Reda Elmardi

11 Benefits Of High Intensity Interval Training – (HIIT)

You will likely be familiar with HIIT if you’ve shown even the slightest interest in health and fitness over the last several years. You see it at gyms, in parks, in apps, and constantly in your Instagram or TikTok reels. So what’s the hype all about? Simple: HIIT works and has plenty of benefits. One of the biggest problems with

Ankle Weights Benefits
Reda Elmardi

16 Ankle Weights Benefits You Should Definitely Consider

There are many different ways to get fit, especially now, considering the many different tools and accessories out there designed to help you shed those pounds, tone up, and generally get in better shape. Today, we’re looking at several awesome ankle weight benefits. Sales for ankle weights have skyrocketed these past few years, especially in the last year, as more

health Benefits Of Stretching
Reda Elmardi

21 Stretching Benefits That Are Supported By Science

Okay, it’s time to be honest, both with us and with yourselves here, but how many of you reading this can honestly say that you set aside 5 – 10 minutes before and after a workout to stretch your muscles? We know that we should stretch before a workout, but at the same time, we also know that we shouldn’t

Benefits Of Spinning
Reda Elmardi

17 Health Benefits Of Spinning Classes

If you enjoy cycling but can’t face the thought of facing the cold winter weather outdoors, spinning could be the perfect type of exercise for you. For this very reason, we’re looking at several sensational benefits of spinning in today’s article. Cycling is one of the most popular types of exercise in existence, and it is a fantastic way to

Squat vs Deadlift
Reda Elmardi

Squat Vs Deadlift – Which Is King Of The Lifts?

If you want to get a group of bodybuilders, powerlifters, or gymgoers, in general, engaging in a heated debate, just go ahead and bring up the topic of the squat vs deadlift. Everybody hits the gym to work out for different reasons because everybody is different and we all have unique goals and objectives in mind. Somebody looking to improve

Benefits Of Zumba
Reda Elmardi

16 Amazing Health Benefits Of Zumba Classes

If you’re looking to get yourself in shape, dancing is a fantastic way to do precisely that, and have a whole lot of fun in the process. In terms of dancing, Zumba is a great example which is why we’re looking at the benefits of Zumba. Getting fit and healthy is difficult at the best of times, but if you

zottman curl guide
Reda Elmardi

Zottman Curl Exercise Guide

The Zottman Curl is a highly effective exercise that targets both the biceps and the forearms, making it a powerful addition to any arm-focused workout routine. Named after the 19th-century

Rad 150 VS RAD 140

Rad 150 Vs Rad 140: Which Is The Better SARM?

SARMs (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators) have garnered significant attention for their promising muscular benefits and accessibility. Thanks to their legal status for experimental purposes, sourcing